Tuesday 26 October 2010

Weed control: Rocklin City Council to take up marijuana issue tonight

The Rocklin City Council will vote on a resolution tonight that would require those who legally cultivate marijuana to maintain their cannabis plants in an enclosed space -- like a green house.

Rocklin residents have complained that the pot plants emit a foul odor and that some backyard plants grow beyond the fence line, encroaching in common space and becoming accessible to anyone.

The city attorney is recommending the ordinance change, particularly in light of Proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana use and cultivation for adults 21 and over.

Polls show that Prop 19 is likely to fail, but if it passes backyard growers will be limited to 25 square feet of grow space, and cities and counties will maintain jurisdiction over certain elements of the law, particularly as it relates to environmental and public health issues.

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