Monday 11 October 2010

Prop 23 sponsor Dan Logue explains the initiative

Republican Assemlyman Dan Logue, whose district covers portions of Placer County, talks to about the California ballot initiative Prop 23, which would suspend the Global Warming Solutions Act until the state unemployment rate is 5 percent.

An excerpt:
"While Logue says he lacks the credentials to credibly question the concept of climate change, himself, he knows that many scientists do not believe in it. He also knows that unemployment is high, and that business are leaving his state, the only one with such a law.

In response to those who say AB32 is already creating jobs in California, Logue says those jobs are subsidized by the state and take resources away from other jobs, forcing businesses to leave California. He says if the state’s economy is healthy overall, then it will attract green jobs on its own.

Logue says the Texas-based energy companies that are paying large amounts of advertising money in support of Prop 23 create more than 700,000 jobs in California, along with energy that is much less expensive than the renewable energy AB 32 mandates."

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