Wednesday 13 June 2012

Rocklin PD Announces Reverse 911 Registration

This just in from the Rocklin Police Department:

Opt-in at the Reverse 911 Registration Portal to allow Rocklin 911 to associate your home address with your cellular phone or VOIP (Internet phone) service. Registering allows the Rocklin 911 Center to reach cell your cell phone or VOIP phone when we send an emergency message to your area.

The Rocklin 911 Center uses Reverse 911 to send pre-recorded messages to home telephones in a defined area to provide instructions or information during an actual emergency or disaster.

Some residents no longer use standard telephone service, and instead use cellular or Internet based phone service as their primary home telephone.

While cellular and Internet phones are usually reliable for calling 911, they must be registered in order to be included in Reverse-911 messages.

To associate your cellular or Internet phone service with your home address for Reverse 911, please visit the Registration Portal.

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