Saturday 30 June 2012

CHP reminds drivers to 'Click It'

The CHP reports that last year  34 people were killed in traffic collisions in California during the Independence Day holiday.  This was a significant increase from the 23 people who died in 2010, the last full year for which statistics are available.  Sadly, many of those deaths may have been prevented with the simple click of a seat belt.

“It is alarming to know that more than 80 percent of the people who were killed in vehicle collisions over the Independence Day holiday last year may have survived had they taken the time to buckle up,” said CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow.

Driving under the influence is also a major concern for the CHP.  Last year, over the Independence Day weekend, CHP officers made 1,562 arrests for driving under the influence. 

The CHP reminds motorists to designate a non-drinking driver before they celebrate to ensure everyone’s safety while on the road.

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