Friday 15 June 2012

Austerity in action: Lincoln City Council adopts lean budget

The Lincoln City Council passed a lean and mean -- but balanced -- budget for fiscal year 2012-13 on Tuesday night. 

In a  memorandum to the council, City Manager Jim Estep wrote:
"The ongoing challenge which we face is to continue to provide a high level of service to Lincoln's citizens within the constraints of reducing funding. 
"The General Fund has been cut by 34 % and is ostensibly now functioning with a minimal level of staffing." 
The city's budget for the fiscal year is a tad more than $50 million, including more than $11 million from the General Fund, almost $9 million for capital improvements (street, water and drainage improvements) and the remainder coming from special funds (grants and bonds). 

Public safety (cops and fire) eats up 74 % of the budgeted General Fund. The budget funds a total of 168 city employees -- 137 full time, and 31 part time staffers.

Click here to read the budget document. 

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