Wednesday 30 May 2012

Tahoe Keepers Protect Lake Tahoe and other Waterbodies from Invasive Species

A coalition of local and visiting Lake Tahoe paddlers, business owners and Tahoe Basin environmental groups are helping to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species by becoming Tahoe Keepers. 

Tahoe Keepers are paddlers who inspect and decontaminate their boats and gear every time they haul out and move between new waterbodies. Non-native species, such as quagga and zebra mussels, the New Zealand mudsnail and the spiny waterflea, could irreparably damage the Lake Tahoe watershed, and their transport is illegal. 

These invasive species are spread through water and debris that can collect in cockpits and hatches, cling to outer hulls, rudders and paddles, and even hide out on footwear and gear long after paddling.
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