Friday 1 February 2013

Love, Hug, and Pamper KidsFirst Children


KidsFirst Feb 14-28 No Baby Left Behind Diaper Drive

This February, to celebrate Valentine’s Day, KidsFirst is asking businesses and individuals throughout our community to help raise 1,000 diapers to distribute to families in need. This Diaper Drive is critical because there is a direct connection between wet diapers, crying and child abuse, which KidsFirst is committed to preventing and ending in Placer County.

Research shows that today diapers and wipes cost a family approximately $100/month per child. Further, as “hygiene items” they are not directly funded under any federal support program. This means some families are reusing diapers or leaving their babies in wet diapers longer than they should. This not only leads to diaper rash, infections and other health problems, but also leads to babies crying more. This additional, unnecessary crying coupled with the stress of living in poverty raises the chances of child abuse.

KidsFirst wants to ensure that no baby is left “behind” without a clean diaper. February 14-28, 2013 KidsFirst will be holding a Diaper Drive at their Roseville, Auburn and Citrus Heights family resource centers with the goal of raising 1,000 diapers. Instead of candy and sweets, KidsFirst asks community members and organizations to help kids have sweet dreams in clean diapers. So this Valentine’s Day hug our kids with Huggies®, love our kids with Luvs® and pamper our kids with Pampers® by donating online at and selecting “diaper drive” as the reason for gift or by dropping off diapers and wipes at the following participating locations:

    KidsFirst Roseville – 124 Main Street, Roseville, CA 
    KidsFirst Auburn – 11990 Heritage Oak Place, Ste. 1B, Auburn, CA 
    KidsFirst Citrus Heights – 6939 Sunrise Blvd., Ste. 227, Citrus Heights, CA 
    The Dailey Method (Folsom) – 2766 East Bidwell, Folsom, CA (916) 351- 8361
    Fairway Chiropractic – 1805 Cirby Way #9, Roseville, CA (916) 781-7700
In addition to collecting the diapers at our three Family Resource Centers, several local businesses have also signed up as sponsors and collection sites. “We are so delighted to connect with businesses like The Dailey Method and Fairway Chiropractic who have reached out to KidsFirst and volunteered to host a diaper drive this February. By helping our most vulnerable children, we help build a better community.” says Lisa Velarde, KidsFirst Chief Executive Officer. For more information on how you can support or host a diaper drive for KidsFirst please contact Dina Navarra at or 916-774-6802 x2828.

KidsFirst is a private, non-profit organization established in 1989 dedicated to the prevention and healing of child abuse. KidsFirst provides an array of programs and victim services that prevent and treat abuse including child and family counseling, parent education, youth groups, after-school programs, information and referrals to low/no-cost resources throughout the Sierra-Sacramento region.

Our vision: All children will live in a safe, healthy and nurturing home.

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