Monday 25 February 2013

Kinship Fun Pack Drive

A KidsFirst Annual Event to Raise Awareness
Kinship families exist in Placer County. The challenge is finding them and letting them know about free programs that can help support them and make their journey easier and more enjoyable. This Spring, KidsFirst is holding its first annual event to raise awareness of this growing problem in our community.

According to national experts, more than six million children in the US live in households headed by relatives other than the parents who provide full-time care, nurturing and protection to these vulnerable children. Raising these children successfully is even more difficult as statistics show that these families are more likely to live in poverty, to be uninsured, and have limited access and knowledge of local community-based resources that can help them.
KidsFirst has a support program specifically designed to help Kinship Families. From navigating the legal system to handling academic and social issues, KidsFirst helps Kinship families create strong unified bonds that help children succeed. But in order to locate these families, the entire community needs to be engaged.

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