Tuesday 9 October 2012

Attorney General Harris urges parents and coaches to develop policies for posting Minors’ information online

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today urged parents, coaches and officials for youth sports to develop protective policies related to minors’ personal information, particularly for information posted online.

Attorney General Harris also announced that after an inquiry from her office, GameChanger, a popular sports statistics website, has updated its privacy policy and practices to better protect minors. The action comes as more and more information about minors is being posted online, often without adult consent.

“Most parents probably do not realize that the simple act of signing a child up for soccer or Little League could put enough information online to put the minor in harm’s way,” said Attorney General Harris. “While the Internet makes tracking games and statistics easier, it is important that parents, coaches, school officials and volunteers all are informed and think carefully about any information that is put online, especially when it pertains to children.”
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