Barbara Alby, candidate for California's first Senate district (the race that includes Roger Niello, Ted Gaines and Ken Cooley), recently told a reporter she's a political "outsider," which is like Dan Marino saying he's new to the game of football.
Alby, a former assemblywoman and current acting member on California's Board of Equalization, is about as entrenched in the political system as her opponents. The difference is they own it while she attempts to defy her reality.
Here's a quick look at her "outsider" background per Wikipedia:
"Barbara Alby (born August 9, 1946) is an American politician from California and a member of the Republican Party. She first sought elective office in 1991, running in a special election for the Sacramento-based 5th district in the California State Assembly. She lost that race to fellow Republican B. T. Collins, onetime chief of staff to Democratic former Gov. Jerry Brown, and lost to him again in the 1992 Republican primary. After Collins died, Alby won a 1993 special election to succeed him and occupied the Assembly seat until 1998 when term limits forced her from office. That year, she ran for the U.S. House of Representatives, attempting to succeed veteran Democrat Vic Fazio in the Sacramento-based 3rd district. Alby lost the Republican primary to businessman Doug Ose by 20 points."
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