Monday 9 September 2013

Annie’s SnoBiz Goes Beyond The Shaved Ice To Help Children in Need

Annie Renee of Annie's SnoBiz
When Annie Renee sells shaved ice at Annie’s SnoBiz, she’s doing her part to fight global hunger.

Every day, she puts money aside from her profits into what she calls her “Jesus Jar,” dedicated to helping support Feed My Starving Children, a Christian non-profit organization that provides tens of millions of meals each year to malnourished children around the world.

Annie’s Sno Biz was “truly a gift from God,” founder and owner of the shaved ice truck, Annie says.  After being a stay-at-home mom for 20 years, Renee believed “God had put this in my lap” once the last of her three children left for college.

The idea of having some type of food truck had always resonated in the thoughts of the family.  “My husband initially had a mini donut idea,” Renee said, “but the idea for shaved ice was what God wanted us to do.”

Renee felt it was important to give back to God which is where she came up with the idea of a “Jesus Jar.”  Renee has been donating a little over a year and has already given more than a thousand dollars to the organization.

The family participated in last year’s Feed My Starving Children MobilePack at William Jessup University. “It was nice to be active in the packing action,” Renee said, “and be a part of what happens behind the finances.”

Annie’s SnoBiz has been in business for three years and she doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. “Seeing the kid’s expressions on their face after they have their first bite is my favorite part,” Annie said. “I plan on doing this until I can’t walk anymore.”

The shaved ice truck is regularly located on the corner of Harding and Douglas roads in Roseville.  Follow Annie on Twitter at @anniessnobiz to find out where the truck is each day and other updates about the company.

For information on supporting this year’s Feed My Starving Children MobilePack in Rocklin, please visit

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