Monday 22 July 2013

Anti-Bullying Program For Youths To Be Held At Rocklin Library Aug. 10

The Placer County Library will host an anti-bullying program geared primarily for junior high and high school students Sat., Aug. 10, 2013 at the branch library in Rocklin.

“An Anti-Bullying Day at the Rocklin Library” is scheduled to take place from 2 to 4 p.m. The Rocklin branch is located at 4890 Granite Dr.

The program is sponsored by the Placer County Library and is being organized by the Rocklin and Penryn branches. The goal is to inform participants about the growing problem in a fun, nonjudgmental way. Everyone interested in learning more about bullying and what can be done about it is invited to attend.  

The Placer County Sheriff’s Office will present a slide show on bullying and be available to answer questions. The presentation will provide information that will be useful to both youths and their parents.

The event will feature team-building activities and crafts targeted primarily at adolescents. Participants will have chances to win door prizes and enjoy free pizza.

“The library decided to organize the program because of recent events at local schools that involved bullying,” explained Penryn Branch Manager Amie Toepfer. “The library was asked by both youths and parents if it could host an educational event focused on bullying and its long-lasting consequences for both bullies and victims. We hope, by doing this in a nonjudgmental and fun way, we will get the message out that bullying is not okay and is not a normal part of growing up.”

During the event, the library will give out bookmarks with resource information and will have books and movies that deal with bullying on display for participants to check out.

Friends of the Penryn Library and Rocklin Friends of the Library are providing support for the pizza, crafts and door prizes.

For more information, contact the Rocklin branch library at 916-624-3133.

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